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Arthritis At Home Episode 164 – Communicating science to patients and ways to recognize pseudoscience

Arthritis At Home Episode 164 – Communicating science to patients and ways to recognize pseudoscience

In this episode of Arthritis At Home, we are sharing a #CRArthritis interview from the Arthritis Broadcast Network. Cheryl Koehn, Founder and President of Arthritis Consumer Experts, discusses with Dr. Fiona Rawle, Associate Dean, Pedagogical Development and Scholarship, University of Toronto, about the infodemic and pseudoscience. Dr. Rawle shares was a keynote speaker at this year’s Canadian Rheumatology Association and Arthritis Health Professions Annual Scientific meeting. Dr. Rawle shares key takeaways from her presentation, including a tool she uses to recognize pseudoscience and tips on communicating science to patients while ensuring it is accessible and equitable.

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