Arthritis At Home Episode 8: Physiotherapy support through TeleHealth during COVID-19 with Dr. Marie Westby
The eighth episode of Arthritis At Home features Dr. Marie Westby, Physical Therapy Teaching Supervisor, Mary Pack Arthritis Program, Vancouver, British Columbia. She shares her insights getting physiotherapy support through TeleHealth during #COVID19. #WellnessWednesday
Dr. Marie Westby has a Bachelor of science In physiotherapy and PhD in rehabilitation sciences from the University of British Columbia. She is a Clinician Scientist at the Centre for Hip Health and Mobility as a part of the Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute. Currently, she is helping the Mary Pack Program set up their telehealth services to provide some support to patients while the clinics are closed to in-person visits.
Physiotherapy Association of British ColumbiaPhysiotherapy Alberta – College + Association
Visit the official page of Arthritis At Home:
Check out these helpful resources for patients:
Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia – Find a physio
(Go to “Areas of practice”, then select “Arthritis”. In the “Advanced Search” section, under “clinic type”, select “Virtual Care/TeleHealth”.)
Physiotherapy Alberta College and Association: A guide to telerehab services for patients
Physiotherapy Evidence Database: Evidence to guide telehealth physiotherapy
Checkout these helpful resources for physiotherapists:
Canadian Physiotherapy Association – Tele-Rehabilitation
Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia – Physiotherapy Virtual Care Toolkit
Getting Online with Telerehabilitation in BC – Lecture Recording