JointHealth™ Education – Arthritis At Home (Teaser Trailer)
Hello members, subscribers, friends, fans and followers!
It is my pleasure to share the news that Arthritis Consumer Experts is launching a new JointHealth™ Education program called #ArthritisAtHome, a place where people living with the disease are becoming more familiar with than ever in this time of COVID-19.
The need to bring this new program to you was not only driven by the fact that nearly all of us are confined to our homes, but also because we need to find new ways to reach you where you live and feel most comfortable – at home. Written words can never be replaced to share arthritis facts and news, but being able to see and hear directly from experts is more important than ever.
Arthritis At Home will come to your home beginning Monday March 30th three times a week, on Motivation Monday, Wellness Wednesday and Facts Friday. Through our ACE Facebook page, you will get to meet many of the experts who over the past 20 years have informed and supported our education and information programming.
Arthritis At Home interviews with arthritis experts will be 10 minutes. Our invited guests will feature world experts in clinical rheumatology, arthritis scientists, physio and occupational therapists, psychologists, health economists, among other health subject matter experts. The program will also feature interviews with leading arthritis consumer-patient leaders and advocates who either work or volunteer in our community.
This coming Monday, I will kick things off. My topic will be to tell you about the newly created Global Rheumatology Alliance and their COVID-19 Patient Registry. You will be so motivated to hear about this global initiative to work with arthritis patients to study in real time how virus is affecting and impacting on people living with our group of diseases, and learn how you can play a part in advancing COVID-19 research yourself.
So stay tuned, and see you on the ACE Facebook channel on Monday! Until then, take good care and be safe.
Cheryl Koehn
Founder and President, Arthritis Consumer Experts