Arthritis At Home Episode 174 – ACE launches new blog: Joint Journeys, life with arthritis by Carrie
Joint Journeys, life with arthritis by Carrie
Arthritis Consumer Experts (ACE) is thrilled to launch its new blog Joint Journeys, life with arthritis by Carrie. Insightful, inspirational, heart-warming and fun, Carrie’s pieces are beyond living with arthritis – they are about life’s everyday moments, the ups and downs of a life worth living. A brief pause to look at life with a fresh lens, a breath of fresh air in our day and that reminds us we are not our arthritis; we are human beings living life, with arthritis. Carrie’s pieces will touch on travel, gardening, raising a family, exercise, and adventuring, among other life moments.
In this episode of Arthritis At Home, Cheryl Koehn, ACE’s President, speaks with Carrie Barnes about her new blog, Joint Journeys, life with arthritis. They will talk about the origin of the blog concept and riff on why they think it fills a void in the current arthritis blogging scene.
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