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Arthritis At Home Episode 10: How to stay active and exercise at home during COVID-19 with Dr. Linda Li

The tenth episode of Arthritis At Home features Dr. Linda Li, Canada Research Chair in Patient-oriented Knowledge Translation and Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, University of British Columbia, on how to stay active and exercise at home during #COVID19. She shares tips on how often you should get up from your home office chair and how to exercise safely at home. #MotivationMonday

Dr. Li is a Senior Research Scientist of Clinical Epidemiology at Arthritis Research Canada. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy at McGill University and Master’s of Science at the University of Western Ontario.  

Dr. Li’s research centers on improving the care for people with arthritis and empowering patient self-management. Her work focuses on the integration of online, mobile, and wearable tools in health care. Examples of her work include the use of interactive decision aids for improving communication between patients and health professionals, and the use of wearables and apps to personalized physical activity levels for patients. Dr. Li’s work in knowledge translation has also led to new studies on the benefits of engaging patients and the public in the full spectrum of research process. 

Visit the official page of Arthritis At Home:

Check out these helpful resources for patients: 

Arthritis Research Canada  

Physical Activity: It’s never too late to decrease your pain:

Arthritis Lifestyle Management Guide:

Arthritis Consumer Experts 

Exercise and Arthritis (Podcast):

Arthritis At Home