Arthritis At Home Episode 67 – Updates in osteoarthritis treatment and care with Dr. Tom Appleton
In this episode of Arthritis At Home, we are sharing the #CRArthritis interview Arthritis Broadcast Network (ABN) conducted with Dr. Tom Appleton, rheumatologist and clinician scientist from Western University, on updates in osteoarthritis (OA) treatment and care.
Dr. Appleton discusses the latest research on physical activity and OA as well as new pharmacological treatments for OA which are currently in the works. Lastly, Dr. Appleton provides key take away messages from a symposium at the CRA & AHPA Annual Scientific Meeting titled “Mapping Out the Future of Virtual Care in Canada” which he chaired on February 24, 2021.
Check out these helpful resources to learn more
The Appleton Lab –
OA Action Alliance –